How Safe Is Your State?

Yet another new study has been released which pits U.S. state against U.S. state in order to see who reigns supreme.

This time:  2014's Safest States to Live In

The mighty 50 (and D.C.) were ranked in 5 categories: 

Financial Safety --
top 3: Mass., N.H., N.D.
bottom 3: N.M., Nevada, Mississ.

Driving Safety --
top 3: Mass., Conn., N.H.
bottom 3: N.D./Ariz., S.C., N.M.

Workplace Safety --
top 3: N.H., Utah, R.I.
bottom 3: Mont., Mississ., OK

Natural Disasters --
top 3: Vermont, Maine, Utah
bottom 3: Tenn., N.J., N.Y.

Home/Community Safety --
top 3: Mass., N.Y., Hawaii
bottom 3: Missouri, Nev., Tenn.

(Note that Illinois was not in the top 3 or bottom 3 of any category.)

Looking at those rankings, it would be fairly safe to say that a good part of the overall "top 10" are going to be East Coast states.  And indeed, 6 of the 10 are.

2014 Safest States to Live In:
10 - New York (1 top 3, 1 bottom 3)
9 - Connecticut (1 top 3)
8 - Illinois 
7 - Iowa 
6 - Rhode Island (1 top 3)
5 - D.C.
4 - Hawaii (1 top 3)
3 - Minnesota 
2 - New Hampshire (3 top 3's)
1 - Massachusetts (3 top 3's)

Once again, Iowa beats Illinois.  Those cotton-pickin'.... I mean corn-pickin'.... varmints.

As far as Illinois's rankings:
Financial Safety: 13
Driving Safety: 5
Workplace Safety: 17
Natural Disasters: 42
Home/Community Safety: 4

#5 on Driving Safety?  They must have avoided looking at Chicagoland.

#42 on Natural Disasters?  I can only presume that bad ranking is the result of combining the New Madrid Fault with tornadoes with Mississippi River flooding with Springfield government.

There's a whole lot more info, including the methodology used to come up with these rankings, here:

Great stuff.

Out for now.....
