Germs Hate Fistbumps

Here it is folks.
Definitive proof that Howie Mandel's stupid little germophobe-induced fist bumps have some merit. 

Ditch the handshake—the 'fist bump' is healthier

"The transfer of germs via fist bumping is 90 percent less than a handshake, according to a new report by Aberystwyth University in the U.K. The same research said that a 'high-five' could reduce germ transfer by over half."
So I take this to mean that 90% of germs prefer to hang-out on our fingers and in our palms, rather than on the back of our hands.

Makes sense.  I mean, how many "germy things" are actually performed by using the back of the hand?  

I guess a big one would be runny-nose-wiping (assuming one does not have access to a tissue, a hankie, or the shirttail of the person in front of you).

Best part of the article?  The author feels compelled to define "fistbump", probably so the uninformed masses would not equate it to the "bump-and-grind":

The greeting involves two clenched fists from participants who then lightly tap the front of each fist together. The gesture is often used by President Barack Obama, who notably demonstrated it while on the campaign trail in 2008 with wife Michelle.

I think it's hilarious that Mr. O got cited as an example.

Fist bump away, folks!
Even the Prez can do it!

Out for now.....
