Jobs in Jeopardy

Jobs in Jeopardy!

No, not that Jeopardy.

Like "in trouble".  
Like "in peril".  
Like "endangered".

I caught wind of a list that was released today:  Most Endangered Jobs of 2014

Jobs that if you're doing now, you might not be doing in the near future.

Jobs that are in decline.  Going out of favor.  Going extinct.

Here they are (#1 to #10):
- Mail Carrier
- Farmer
- Meter Reader
- Newspaper Reporter
- Travel Agent
- Lumberjack
- Flight Attendant
- Drill Press Operator
- Printing Worker
- Tax Examiner and Collector

Here's the article that has a great amount of explanation and statistics:

Seeing Postal Service jobs top the list didn't surprise me.

But, Farmer at #2 did shock me.  An article from the Forbes website helps clarify a little bit:
"...... optimistic about one job on the list – farmers. He cited consolidations in the industry as “mega-farms” take over “the smaller farmers in many communities” to explain the hiring outlook of -19%. “But the rise of organic farming seems to be creating a new wave of young farmers which may help increase their numbers in the years to come.”

America (and the world) needs a strong work force of agricultural professionals.  Period.

After all, without a steady supply of safe and healthy food..... we ALL are in jeopardy!

Out for now.....
