Red Men of Kansas

Last weekend, we were down home for a visit.

Dad showed me this little booklet that they had come across amongst some old Honnold photos and memorabilia:

"Imp. O.R.M." stands for IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN.

This was/is a fraternal organization that use to have a local chapter ("tribe") in Kansas.

Prior to Dad showing me this booklet of "by-laws", I had never heard of the Red Men.

However, they do still exist as a national organization today.  I think they are rather secretive/private..... somewhat like the Masons.

From their website (
Legally, The Improved Order of Red Men is a patriotic fraternity chartered by Congress. It is a non-profit organization devoted to inspiring a greater love for the United States of America and the principles of American Liberty.

The Motto, or precepts, of the Order are Freedom, Friendship, and Charity.
Freedom — We endeavor to preserve and uphold the American Way of Life and its guarantee of Liberty. Freedom has been the hope and aim of the oppressed of every land. It is now the proud boast of every American. We dedicated our lives to its maintenance.
Friendship — Is the binding link and unswerving loyalty of one to another, which makes sweet and lasting the relationship that one member bears to another.
Charity — Is giving with an open hand and willing heart in time of need, assistance to the weak or unfortunate and measured not by wealth but by moral worth. Charity exemplifies the Brotherhood of Man.

Interesting stuff, huh?

There's more on Wikipedia:

And there are a couple more photos below, including a listing of the officers for the Kansas "tribe".

Out for now......
