China Bibles

Did you know that Communist China is a huge printer of Bibles used around the world?

This Christianity Today article has some fascinating statistics:

Since China’s only legal printer of Bibles, Amity Printing Company, published its first Bible in cooperation with the United Bible Societies (UBS) in 1987, 117 million Bibles have followed. More than half of those were printed in the last six years, including 12.4 million in 2013, making China the world’s biggest Bible publisher. Three out of four of last year’s Bibles were produced for export.

Doesn't it seem crazy that a country which maintains a very tight oversight of Christianity within its borders printed more than 12 million Good Books last year?

I guess I hadn't really thought about it before.  The U.S. has so many strong and established printhouses;  I just figured they were responsible for printing most of the non-Dollar-Tree Bibles we read today.

Instead, the books.... Good Books, that is.... are boxed and loaded on sea containers destined for America.

Floating testaments.

Out for now......
