Shawshank Turns 20

The Shawshank Redemption is one of my top ten favorite movies.  Actually, it's in my top three.  Depending on my mood, I'd even say some days it's my most favorite.

Anyway, the movie is 20 years old.  Today.

(debuted on October 14, 1994)

Here's a very well-written piece celebrating what Shawshank has achieved over the last 20 years:

I wrote a term paper back in college about Shawshank for a movie class I took at EIU with Professor Paul Bodine.  I sure wish that I could get my hands on that paper, so I could take another read thru the in-depth look at the plot, character, and theme that I studied.

2 of the best lines from the movie that are great reminders for me in my walk thru life:

If you've not seen The Shawshank Redemption, I would strongly encourage you to.  It's a little rough in places, and has some strong language, but the messages are intense.


Out for now......
