Marriage Amendment

How about an amendment to the U.S. Constitution related to same-sex marriage?

It's being talked about out in Washington. 

There are many misconceptions surrounding this same-sex topic.  

Unfortunately, most sides/perspectives on the issue tend to either distort facts..... or use false reasoning to support the "facts" they are presenting.

At the core, the truth boils down to this (taken from the link above):

"Advocates of same-sex marriage constantly claim that Americans overwhelmingly support homosexual marriage and that nationwide, it is inevitable. Neither is true.  Very few states’ voters have voted for gay marriage. Meanwhile, voters in 31 states have voted to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and as recently as 2012. In September, Pew Research found that support for homosexual marriage had declined to less than 50 percent, a 5-point drop from seven months earlier. The only reason a majority of states now recognize homosexual marriage is that unelected judges have been willing to overrule the will of the American people and impose it on them."

It's an important issue.  Those who advocate (either way) must get their facts straight.

Out for now.....
