My Death Clock

OK, I will start off this MattChat post by admitting we're going a little to the morbid side here.

But this was a sermon illustration today, so it's all good.

Have you heard about the website called DEATH CLOCK?

Here's what the site is all about:

Yup, in just a few easy steps, this site will reveal to you (in a very unscientific manner) the exact day you will die.

Awesome, huh?

It just needs a few key pieces of info:
- birthdate
- sex (not a yes/no question BTW)
- smoker or not?
- general outlook on life

With that data, the site will spew out your expiration date.  Start sending out invitations now, folks!

For what it's worth, here is mine:


Just a few months before my 74th birthday.

Such a young pup.

Earlier in this post, I mentioned that this site had been used as a sermon illustration.

This morning actually -- by Pastor Brian at First Christian.

It fit in very well with his message, which was all about making the most of life and being good stewards of our time.

As for DEATH CLOCK, I am going to step out in faith and say it's wrong, as I have every intention to live at least 30,000 days, which puts me somewhere above age 82.

73.7 years just doesn't work for me.

Out for now.....
