Picture 11/11: Lost Clippers

November 11
(picture 315 of 365)

Matt..... why are there bags of lawn waste in your garage?

Well, there's a story.

A "Matt is Getting Old" story.

Before I begin, I suggest that you read this MattChat post first:

It'll give you a little context.  There is a connection.  Trust me.

So..... on Sunday, I was outside cleaning up the flowerbeds for winter.  I was doing a lot of cutting, a lot of raking, a lot of bagging.

As the skies were getting dark, I began to clean-up and realized that my hand clippers were no where to be found.

I looked in the yard.

I looked thru the mulch that I had raked.

I even had daughter #2 come out and help me look.


Then a thought popped into my head.

Is it possible that I scooped up the clippers with the cuttings and bagged them?

Nahhhhh..... surely not.   :(

Well, study the picture above very closely.

Do you see something leaning against the bag on the left?

Something that looks like clippers?

My clippers?

Yup, I had bagged them.  Found them tonight.

Have I mentioned that I turn 40 in just a couple weeks?

Out for now......
