Picture 11/15: Mid-November Radishes

November 15
(picture 319 of 365)

We were down at Dad and Mom's today for a nice pre-Thanksgiving visit.

While there, Dad took me out to one of our fields where the corn has been harvested.

And radishes are growing.

Yup, radishes:

They are a cover crop for winter and won't be harvested.

Except for the few lucky ones that get yanked, cleaned, and sampled.... such as those on the plate above.

I tried one -- it was extremely bitter.  Bleeech!

Even more interesting than the fact that 60+ acres of radishes are growing in Central Ilinois (or were growing.... until the freeze hit).....

The field was seeded by airplane.

Yup.  A plane flew over the field in multiple passes (similar to a cropduster) dropping radish seed.

Man, how much easier would a plane have made Johnny Appleseed's job?

Out for now......
