Picture 11/22: Photo with David

November 22
(picture 326 of 365)

We travelled over to Hoopeston Illinois this evening for a concert by David Meece, a true legend of Contemporary Christian Music. 

This was at least the 5th time that the lovely Mrs. Honnold and I had seen him in concert.  Maybe the 6th, or even 7th.  We lost count a long time ago.

But, this was the first time I had ever gotten to shake his hand:

What a moment for me.

David's not my hero.

And David's not my idol.

But David is quite the inspiration.

A man who has taken personal adversity and transformed it into personal triumph.

His life is proof of how God answers prayer and how with God all things are possible.

What a testimony.

What faith.

Thank you David.  For your witness.  And for inspiring me to do better and be better.

Out for now.....
