SCOTUS Silliness

With all the hullaballoo last week about the election and Republicans grasping majorities in both houses of Congress, I heard very little mentioned about what implications this might mean for SCOTUS.

(note: every time I see SCOTUS, I must pause to think what that means;  for some reason, my brain will not keep "Supreme Court of the United States" in its memory bank)

Simply put, there are several old fogies sitting on the Supreme Court.  A couple should have retired years ago.

However, it all comes down to politics and the battle between liberalism and conservatism.

A liberal judge is not going to retire until he/she knows that the President will appoint (and get approved by Congress) a liberal replacement.

Likewise, a conservative judge is not going to retire until he/she knows that the President will appoint (and get approved by Congress) a conservative replacement.

It's all games.  

It's all politics.

On our nation's highest court -- one of the 3 pillars of the USA's government.

Absolute silliness.

Here's a great article I came across which goes deeper into the SCOTUS/election issue.

Can you just imagine the additional gridlock that will ensue if one of the judges is forced to resign for medical reasons?

Holy thunder.

Out for now.......


p.s. I could not pass up posting this "portrait" of SCOTUS;  what an interesting group of individuals