Springfield Earthquake

Election over.

New governor. 

Hello Bruce.
Adios Pat.

The Chicago Tribune editorial board posted an awesome response to what just happened here in Illinois.

Take a read below.

Out for now.......


After a dozen years of one-party rule marked by mounting debt, unpaid bills, festering corruption and pathetic economic growth, Illinois voters demanded a new direction.

This blue state on Tuesday rose up angry. Businessman Bruce Rauner said he would shake up Springfield, and voters said: Bring on the earthquake.

It's a shame that Gov. Pat Quinn had to be the target. He's a decent, caring man. But voters recognized the political power structure in this state simply pushed him off to a corner and ignored him.

We trust that the power structure — House Speaker Michael Madigan, Senate President John Cullerton, the lobbyists and the state employee union bosses — will not be able to ignore Rauner. Does he strike you as someone who poured some $26 million of his own money into this campaign so he could make nice with everybody?

Rauner's immediate calendar as we see it: After the victory speech Tuesday night, handshakes with the commuters Wednesday morning — then a firm declaration to Cullerton and Madigan and their minions: "Do nothing 'til you hear from me."

As in, don't you dare schedule a lame-duck, post-election quickie vote to lock in forever the 5 percent personal income tax rate Rauner vows to roll back.

Voters declared Tuesday that they don't want that tax hike made permanent.

Rauner doesn't want that. He wants to take on the challenge of righting the Illinois economy.

Madigan, Cullerton, it's time to listen.

Rauner not only wants to roll back the income tax. He wants to close tax loopholes. He wants to broaden the sales tax to include more services. He wants a fair and transparent tax system that benefits from economic growth.

He wants to cut spending. He wants to free businesses from government costs and regulations so they can put more people to work.

He wants Illinois to compete again.

Almost lost in the incessant campaign to demonize Rauner was this: He told anyone who would listen that he wants to work with legislative leaders. He wants to hear their ideas.

But he recognizes — and will demand that they recognize — that state government and the Illinois economy need a far, far more radical restructuring than anyone in the comfy corners of Springfield has been willing to admit.

The options are not pretty. Democrats in the General Assembly passed a phony budget this year to avoid a reckoning before the November election. According to the nonpartisan Civic Federation, that budget underfunds state agencies by $470 million. Those Democrats still control the House and Senate.

Too many people in Springfield see employers as the enemy, as targets to be milked for ever higher demands for cash to spend on government. Too many people in Springfield don't trust employers enough to give them the tools to grow and prosper so people can work and, yes, generate revenue to pay for the government we need.

Rauner, he gets it.

Springfield, get ready to rock and roll.