Turkey Day Cost

Every year, the American Farm Bureau posts an incredibly interesting (to me, at least) study about the cost of Thanksgiving dinner for a table of 10. 

(I wrote about last year's study here:

For this year..... drum roll please.....

The American Farm Bureau Federation’s 29th annual informal price survey of classic items found on the Thanksgiving Day dinner table indicates the average cost of this year’s feast for 10 is $49.41, a 37-cent increase from last year’s average of $49.04.

So, $4.94 and 1/10 cent per person this year.

Wonder if that just represents 1 trip to the food counter?  Or rather, a true belly packer?

Read all about it here:

Most of the increase this year is coming from sweet potatoes and a pooled collection of miscellaneous items (including coffee and sugar).

Turkey is actually down in price this year.

That said..... yes, I will have seconds please.  Gobble gobble the gobble gobble.

Out for now.....
