The Bible as a State Book

Did you hear that Mississippi is looking at passing legislation which would name the Bible as the official "state book" ?


"Lawmakers say designating the Bible as the state book would be completely symbolic and nobody would be required to read it. Furthermore, (the bill) would not specify a particular (Bible) translation."

Read the full story here:

Side note..... Louisiana was looking at doing the same thing a few months back, but dropped the initiative:

I am not in favor of Mississippi's effort.

3 primary reasons:

- while well-intentioned (as you can read at the link above), I feel the legislation crosses the line between separation of church and state

- the legislation trivializes the Bible;  yes, it has a cover and a table of contents just like "Oliver Twist" or "To Kill a Mockingbird", but the Bible is so much more than some novel or how-to guide;   it's not just a "book"..... it is holy scripture..... it is God's divine word

- the legislation has the potential to lead to a bunch of unhealthy squabbling between various groups..... bitter and ugly squabbling that would go completely against the core theme of the Bible:  LOVE

Just let this one die on the vine, leaders of Mississippi.

Love your Bible.
Read your Bible.
Follow your Bible.
But don't belittle the importance of your Bible.

Out for now.....


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