Creative America

Music. Drama. Art. Dance. Theater.

You a fan of this stuff?
We are.

Speaking of the arts......
A great little study was just released by Movoto which identified the 10 most "creative cities" in the U.S.

The ranking was based on a variety of criteria, including:
  • Art supply stores per capita
  • Music stores and instructors per capita
  • Galleries per capita
  • Art schools and programs per capita
  • Book stores per capita
  • Performing arts per capita
  • Colleges and universities per capita
  • Facebook Likes for “arts and music” per capita
  • Percentage of the working population in arts, entertainment, and recreation
So, who made the top ten?

1. San Francisco, CA
2. Orlando, FL (tie)
2. Portland, OR (tie)
4. St. Louis, MO
5. Atlanta, GA
6. Denver, CO
7. Seattle, WA
8. Cincinnati, OH
9. Pittsburgh, PA
10. Rochester, NY

Read the details about the study and each city in the top ten:

Great to see STL on there.

The more we (as a family) look around, I get more and more impressed with all the "artsy-fartsy" stuff there is to do and see here in the CI (central Illinois).

We have greatly enjoyed our 3 visits to Millikin University this school year to performing arts shows at Kirkland Fine Arts Center.

And, we are already looking forward to visits this spring/summer to Allerton Park and The Muni.

The arts are all around us.

Thank goodness.

Out for now.......
