State of the State (ILL state)

Well, it's time.

Time for Governor Bruce to present his first Illinois State of the State speech.

What will we hear?

The Chicago Sun-Times has some ideas:

Gov. Bruce Rauner has a chance to fill in the details on his plans for fixing the state’s many problems when he addresses the General Assembly on Wednesday.

Here are some things to watch as Rauner gets started.....
(6 categories)
- Looking for Specifics
- Budget Preview
- First Lady Factor
- Safe Bets
- Anti-Union Actions
- Common Ground

Read about each category here:

And if you happen to be free on Wednesday to watch or listen to the Speech, play some BINGO as you listen for GovRaun to say these key words:

Awesome.  He's gotta say "Shake Up Springfield" at least once.  It's become his little slogan.


Out for now......
