Super Super Bowl Commercials

Every year, USA Today has a bunch of people rounded-up during the Super Bowl to assist in the completion of a very, very important task (not)..... rating the Super Bowl commercials.

In my opinion, there simply were not many great/memorable ones this year.

But here's what the USA Today people thought were the top 5:

5) Doritos "Middle Seat"
4) Microsoft "Braylon"
3) Fiat "Blue Pill"
2) Always "Like a Girl"
1) Budweiser "Lost Dog"

See how all 61 commercials ranked:

As I expected, the toenail fungus ad didn't rate very well -- next to last, actually.

Yes, I said "next to last".

It takes a really bad Super Bowl commercial to rate lower than a toenail fungus Super Bowl commercial.

My deep thought for the day.

Out for now.......
