Mandatory Voting

You hear about this?

(Last week) President Obama, whose party was trounced in last year’s midterm election due in part to poor turnout among Democrats, endorsed the idea of mandatory voting.  “It would be transformative if everybody voted.  That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

read the full story:

Mandatory voting?

How in the world would we accomplish that???

How in the world would they deal with those who have objections to casting a ballot  (religious grounds, Anti-Americans, fanatical nutjobs, etc.) ?

And what if there's no candidate for a particular race that we want to vote for?

Would we be forced to?


There are actually 22 countries that do already have mandatory voting:

Lots in South America.

What?  Australia is on the list??!!??!!??

Some feel that very little would be accomplished by enacting mandatory voting here in the U.S.

"Simulations suggest that compulsory voting would change the outcome of very few elections. This is not only because non-voters often aren’t that different than voters, but also because lots of elections — such as at the House and Senate levels — aren’t that close."

Read more:

My thoughts?

Voting is a privilege, a freedom, a right.

Not a requirement.
Not a chore.
Not a political stunt.

Let those who want to vote, vote.

Let those who are lazy and/or have no interest in politics stay home.

Very simple.

Out for now.......
