Picture 3/17: Breastplate

March 17
(picture 76 of 365)

On St. Paddy's Day, I share with you a pic of this card that I keep stuck in the dashboard of my car:

It's a part of St. Patrick's Lorica (Breastplate)..... a really beautiful section of text.

(HISTORY LESSON TIME: The lyrics are a translation of a Gaelic poem called “St. Patrick’s Lorica".  In the Christian monastic tradition, a lorica is a prayer recited for protection.  The Latin word lorica originally meant "armor" or "breastplate".  Both meanings come together in the practice of placing verbal inscriptions on the shields or armorial trappings of knights, who might recite them before going into battle.)

The first time I was introduced to it was in church a couple years back, and it really stuck with me as a powerful reminder of the importance of taking Christ with me.... every day, every hour, everywhere.

Out for now......


Read the full lorica: