Picture 3/31: Walk to Colorado

March 31
(picture 90 of 365)

Tonight, I took our 8th grader to choir practice at church.

Since I didn't want to drive all the way back home, and since I didn't have any errands to run, I decided to take a walk.

(Since the weather has turned nicer, I have resumed my initiative/goal to walk at least 10-12 miles each week.  Some jogging and biking will be thrown in there too, once I am back "in shape" -- whatever that means.)

So on my walk, I ended up on some very familiar turf:

Our old stomping grounds.

We lived on Colorado Drive in Decatur from 1999-2005.

It was very cool to be walking on these streets as it brought back awesome memories of pushing our first kiddo (the same kiddo who tonight's at choir practice) up and down the neighborhood hills in her stroller.  

If I remember correctly, we had the little red wagon toward the end of our time on Colorado and took her for walks in that as well.

It was a great walk on a beautiful evening.  A walk I thoroughly enjoyed.

A walk full of memories that I will always hold dear to my heart.

Out for now......
