Trump 2016

He's weighing his options.

Yup, Donald Trump is at it again.

For the 2nd (or 3rd?) Presidential election in a row (and like 5th or 6th time in total), Don is hinting that he might be considering a run.

I am not kidding.

Take a read:

Some of his recent comments:

“Everybody feels I’m doing this just to have fun or because it’s good for the brand.  Well, it’s not fun.  I'm not doing this for enjoyment.  I’m doing this because the country is in serious trouble.”

“The last thing we need is another Bush."

“People around the world are laughing at us.  Look at China, they’re killing us, taking our jobs.  We have weakness in the Middle East and with ISIS.  We have incompetent people running the country and I’m tired of it.”

"I could make this country great again."

I've seen several comments pro-Trump and several comments anti-Trump in the last couple weeks, but none so right on the money as this one:

Everyone who has a pulse knows "The Donald" is a great self-promoter.  If Trump really is serious about running for president in 2016, then he needs to begin shedding his carnival-like huckster image now.  One way to do that is to start talking about how America's health and welfare are his most important causes, not himself.  (Denny Freidenrich)

What will Donald do?
After all, we don't need "another Bush", right?

Out for now.....
