Nearly 3 Million Killed

I came across a intriguing article today:

The Wildlife Services division of the U.S. Department of Ag killed over 2.7 million animals/birds in 2014.

Some of the details:
- over 1 million European starlings
- 30,000+ feral swine
- over 7,000 California ground squirrels
- over 11,000 raccoons
- 88 moles
- 197 mice

Here's the full report of all the deaths:

It's fascinating that stats are kept at this level.  Mice deaths.  SERIOUSLY?

It's even more fascinating that the report breaks down the deaths by "intentional" and "unintentional".

For example, of the 11,000 raccoons mentioned above, 409 were "unintentional".  

Does that mean they were smacked or smooshed by a ranger's truck?

And if so, I am super-curious to know about the "unintentional" death of a lone largemouth bass.

What in tarnation happened to that little guy?

Smacked by a ranger boat?

Out for now......
