Stop Saying These

Please stop saying these!

Ridiculous phrases heard at the workplace.......

  1. At the end of the day
  2. Back to the drawing board
  3. Hit the ground running
  4. Get the ball rolling
  5. Low-hanging fruit
  6. Throw under the bus
  7. Think outside the box
  8. Let's touch base
  9. Get my manager's blessing
  10. It's on my radar
  11. Ping me
  12. I don't have the bandwidth
  13. No brainer
  14. Par for the course
  15. Bang for your buck
  16. Synergy
  17. Move the goal post
  18. Apples to apples
  19. Win-win
  20. Circle back around
  21. All hands on deck
  22. Take this offline
  23. Drill-down
  24. Elephant in the room
  25. On my plate

Numbers 5, 7, 19, and 25 are the ones I hear most often.

Where's "teamwork" though?

That's so overused.

Out for now......
