Between Left and Right

I know I say "now this is a fascinating read" rather frequently here on MattChat.

Well, I'm going to say it again in 2 sentences.  Be ready.

And if I've ever meant it, I mean it here.

Now this is a FASCINATING read!

Part 4 in a series on the differences between Left and Right

This article by Dennis Prager does such a vivid job in pointing out what's wrong with the thinking of "The Left" here in our nation.

A few examples:

"At the core of left-wing thought is a rejection of painful realities, the rejection of what the French call les faits de la vie, the facts of life. Conservatives, on the other hand, are all too aware of these painful realities of life and base many of their positions on them."

"Liberals find it too painful to look reality in the eye and acknowledge that human nature is deeply flawed. This is especially so since left-wing thought is rooted in secularism, and if you don’t believe in God, you had better believe in humanity — or you will despair."

"The entire concept of “political correctness” emanates from the Left’s incapacity to acknowledge painful truths. The very definition of politically incorrect is an idea or truth that people on the left find too painful to acknowledge — and therefore do not want expressed."

"Or take the left-wing bumper sticker idea, 'War Is Not the Answer.' Of course, war is often the answer to great evil. Nazi death camps were liberated by soldiers fighting a war, not peace activists. But having to acknowledge the moral necessity of war is too painful a truth for many on the left."

Ain't that truth (x4) ?!!??

Way too many of those on the left live life in a bubble.  An unrealistic bubble.  A bubble which shields their thinking and their actions from the realities of our world.

Throw money at it to fix it.

Throw government control / oversight / regulation at it to fix it.

Crazy, crazy, crazy.

Read this one.  PLEASE

As stated above, this is part 4 of 4.  I very well may publish all 4 in their entirety here on MattChat soon.

Out for now......
