Picture 6/15: Flavor My Water

June 15
(picture 166 of 365)

I know that I'm to be drinking a lot of water each day.

And I try.

But I'm just not a huge fan of straight-up, plain jane, out-of-the-tap water.

I like sweet tea.

And I like Diet Dew.

(those both qualify as "water", right??)

I am trying to do better by mixing-up a couple of these each day:

No/low calories, plus only 10 cents each.

They really go a long way to making water taste so much more tasty.

Know what I'm saying?

It's Kool-Aid...... for adults!!   As Kool-Aid man would say......

Wonder if there's an upper limit as to how many flavor sticks I should consume in a day?

Out for now......
