Racist Flag

When you see this, what are the first 3 things that come to your mind?

The South?
Old Dixie?
Civil War?
Robert E. Lee?
Dukes of Hazzard?

The flag still flies on the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol.

Some say it should, as a proud symbol of the "Southern Tradition".

Others want it removed, putting it into the same category as the Nazi flag.

Does the Confederate Flag still have a place in today's society?  Should it be flying on government property?

Does it divide, rather than unite?

Is it a symbol of racism, prejudice, hatred?

I lean towards "yes".

Can a private citizen display the flag on private property or on his vehicle bumper?

Most definitely YES.
Free speech.

Should a government be displaying it proudly alongside the American Flag and the official state flag?

I'm thinking NO.

Interesting read from 2001 dealing with the South's "Ghosts":

Out for now......
