Small Town

I love these words from John Mellencamp's song, "Small Town":

No I cannot forget where it is that I come from

I cannot forget the people who love me

Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town

And people let me be just what I want to be


I consider being the product of a Small Town to be one of my biggest blessings in life.

Big city living is perfectly fine for some.

But for me, growing up without stoplights, being able to ride my bike from 1 side of town to the other, and having the opportunity to stare up at the stars from our backyard on a quiet and dark summer night are life experiences that will always be with me.

A friend of ours wrote about her Small Town in a blog post called "You Can't Go Home Again, Can You?"  It is a wonderful read, full of meaning for this Small Town boy:
(Jen Power, The Lily and the Marrow)

No I cannot forget where it is that I come from.

Out for now......
