TSA Fail

What a mess.

The TSA.

They've been a stupid mess since they were started after 9/11.

Now this......
"Undercover federal agents were able to sneak fake bombs past TSA screeners with apparent ease, despite the billions of dollars that the U.S. government spends on airport security and the cumbersome, time-consuming and invasive personal inspections it puts millions of travelers through each year.  In 67 out of 70 tests, secret DHS "Red Team" agents used insider knowledge and disguises to slip past body scanners and pat-downs at airport security checkpoints, carrying weapons, mock bombs or other prohibited items. The TSA's staggering 95 percent failure rate was attributed to both human and technological error."

So, why are we spending $7 BILLION annually on TSA?  Makes no sense.

See below for some great cartoons about their mismanagement and ineptitude.

Out for now......
