Dreaming of Tootsie

Take a look at what I followed home from work:

A Tootsie truck.

Yum..... it got me dreaming......
just think about all the good stuff that could be on-board.

Tootsie Rolls (original)
Tootsie Rolls (flavored)
Junior Mints
Andes Mints
Blow Pops
Charleston Chews
Double Bubble
Sugar Daddies

And of course, Tootsie Roll Pops.

According to what you see above.... REALLY BIG Tootsie Roll Pops.

Which would take a lot of licks.

How Many Licks?

Oh please, open up the back of that truck and let me try!

Out for now.....


p.s. this isn't the first time I have contemplated hijacking this truck: