Picture 7/21: So Long Speakers

July 21
(picture 202 of 365)

I have had them since early high school.  or maybe late junior high??

But their time has come:

Time to say "adios" to my set of mammoth Pioneer floor speakers.

With the remodeling of our basement -- and the subsequent reduction in size of my office -- there simply is no longer any room for these behemoths.

Thru the years, they have played me countless hours of tunes -- everything from Elton to Billy to Petra to Evita to Lonestar to Chicago to Cher to Bon Jovi.

And all sorts of radio.  Rock. Country. WBGL. Cardinals baseball.  Bears games.

They've moved from Kansas to Charleston to Decatur apartment to Decatur house to current house.

And they still sound good.  Real good.

Maybe I can find someone who wants them for 25 bucks?

Out for now.......
