Picture 7/23: MMWW Trophy

July 23
(picture 204 of 365)

What a nice surprise, as this was returned to me:

MMWW is the "Monday Morning Weekly Warm-up", a newsletter that I use to e-mail out to my team every Sunday evening.  It was a way for me to start out each work week with a communication to them, summarizing last week's activities/progress and looking ahead to the week ahead.

I can't begin to count the number of weekly MMWW's that I sent.  Well over 200 (4 years) of them.

The trophy came into play when I featured some type of trivia, puzzler, or brainteaser in the MMWW.  All team members who submitted a correct response were put in a random drawing to be the owner of the traveling trophy.

After a couple weeks, there would be another puzzler, and the trophy would rotate to someone else on the team.

I had forgotten about the trophy, but it was very considerately passed back my direction.

Since the MMWW was retired around 3 years ago, I'm not sure what I'll do with the trophy.

Prolly throw it out in the garage..... where I'll uncover it in 2027.

Out for now......
