Picture 7/24: Black Eyed Susan

July 24
(picture 205 of 365)

Closing program for Vacation Bible School at Argenta Baptist Church was tonight.

The team at ABC always does such a awesome job with the VBS kids.  Our girls had lots of fun again this year, with the youngest attending as a "student" and the oldest 2 serving as "teen helpers".

Take a look at what our 3rd grader left with:

This is "Black-eyed Susan", part of the VBS set/decor.  It was handmade by a wonderful couple named Bill and Darla.  

If you look very closely, you'll see that the center of the flower is made up of a slew of those little "googly eyes".

Darla was very excited that it was coming home with us.

And our 3rd grader was very excited that it was coming home with us.  It's now in her room..... a reminder of the great week she had.

Out for now......
