Rand on the Marriage Business

"I’ve often said I don’t want my guns or my marriage registered in Washington."

That wild and crazy guy Rand Paul has weighed in on the marriage issue.


I encourage you to read the whole thing.

Here are some highlights, with what I felt to be the most key points underlined:

While I disagree with Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, I believe that all Americans have the right to contract.

Marriage, though a contract, is also more than just a simple contract.

I acknowledge the right to contract in all economic and personal spheres, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a danger that a government that involves itself in every nook and cranny of our lives won’t now enforce definitions that conflict with sincerely felt religious convictions of others.

The government should not prevent people from making contracts but that does not mean that the government must confer a special imprimatur upon a new definition of marriage.

The Constitution is silent on the question of marriage because marriage has always been a local issue. Our founding fathers went to the local courthouse to be married, not to Washington, D.C.

Some have argued that the Supreme Court’s ruling will now involve the police power of the state in churches, church schools, church hospitals.  This may well become the next step, and I for one will stand ready to resist any intrusion of government into the religious sphere.

Perhaps it is time to be more careful what we ask government to do, and where we allow it to become part of our lives.

The Constitution was written by wise men who were raised up by God for that very purpose. There is a reason ours was the first where rights came from our creator and therefore could not be taken away by government. Government was instituted to protect them.

We have gotten away from that idea. Too far away. We must turn back. To protect our rights we must understand who granted them and who can help us restore them.

I am not a huge Rand fan, but he seems to be very much on-target here.

Out for now.......
