Swimming in Poop

Apparently, the organizers of the upcoming 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janiero are going to let the athletes swim and boat in poop.

Breaststroking thru crap.
Fecal Freestyling.

Gross does not quite capture this.

Read about it:

This is just plain disgusting:
"An AP analysis of water quality revealed dangerously high levels of viruses and bacteria from human sewage in Olympic and Paralympic venues — results that alarmed international experts and dismayed competitors training in Rio, some of whom have already fallen ill with fevers, vomiting and diarrhea."

It's not a new problem.  From April 2014:

"Guanabara Bay, the site of several 2016 Olympic sailing events, has 78 times Brazil’s legally allowed limit of fecal pollution, and 195 times the U.S. limit. In addition to human waste, the bay is also a receptacle for trash from ships and the bay's 15 adjacent communities, as well as toxic runoff from a former landfill.

In the waters just off Copacabana beach, the measurement of fecal coliform bacteria spiked to 16 times the Brazilian government's satisfactory level as recently as three weeks ago, bad news for the marathon swimmers and triathletes set to compete there."

Yuck yuck yuck!
How can they let this happen?

Why isn't the Olympic Committee stepping-in to stop this?

It's not safe.
It's beyond stupid.

It's not Olympic.

Out for now.......
