New Seuss Book

You hear that there's a new Dr. Seuss book that's just been published?

"What Pet Should I Get?"

I was relieved to see that the book isn't some modern-day writing that is simply having the Seuss name slapped on it.

"Why did Geisel just about finish “What Pet Should I Get?” and then not publish it? His widow, Audrey — who was not married to him at the time — has said that he must have simply forgotten about it in the flurry of projects. It’s true that the window in which the book was almost certainly written, the years leading up to 1960, was packed with activity for Geisel, both creative and, increasingly, commercial."

"Geisel was known to be extremely self-critical, and while his books go down so easy that they risk seeming merely tossed off, his process was laborious. Each book went through many drafts; he once said he produced over a thousand pages in order to end up with 64. He would regularly dispatch any work that didn’t meet his standards. But he didn’t throw away “What Pet Should I Get?” When it was discovered in 2013, in a box that Audrey Geisel had set aside after his death, it was in the final stages of preparation, with words typed on small squares of paper and taped in place on the artwork. To get that far with it, he must have thought it was a fine piece of work. But he didn’t publish it, either."

Here's a piece of Seuss's artwork from the recently-discovered project:

Read more about "What Pet.... ?":

Dr. Seuss is great.  And wrote some great meaningful words.  A few of my favorites are here:

Out for now......
