Save the Honeybees

You realize the troubles that humankind would "bee" in if honeybees weren't around to do their job?

From a food production standpoint, it would be an incredible setback.

Well, they are in trouble......
“There are so many problems that honeybees are facing that all of America’s pollinators are facing, frankly. One of the biggest problems is finding enough to eat. We have so homogenized our landscape with monoculture, agriculture and perfectly manicured lawns and the like that much of the floral diversity that our diverse community of pollinators needs can’t be found and it’s such a vulnerable situation that all it takes is a drought or an unusually cold winter and that marginal food supply becomes inadequate.”

Read the full article, which is from May 2015 (I didn't come across it until tonight):

That article references this study, which was also released last May.  64 pages -- no, I did not read them all:

National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators

Bees are way more that a stinging insect, folks.

They carry life.  We must keep them around.

Out for now.......
