Picture 9/27: Apple and Pork Haul

September 27
(picture 270 of 365)

My lovely wife and I had a FANTASTIC time tooling around the flea market at the Apple and Pork Festival in Clinton today.

(thx to the in-laws for watching our little ladies!)

Lots of amazing old stuff.... and junk.... to look thru.

I did find a bunch of cool "smalls" to add to my collection:

As you can see, there is a license plate, a couple Route 66 things, several keychains, 2 Decatur buttons, and a Salvation Army bell.

(see previous post about a Salvation Army bell:  http://matthonnold.blogspot.com/2015/09/picture-98-bell.html ::
I go for years searching for a reasonably-priced, authentic Salvation Army red bell, then in a matter of a month, I find 2.)

And that's why flea market shopping is so awesome!

In the words of a wise man named Gump: "You never know what you're gonna get."

(Watch for tomorrow's picture of the day to see something extra spectacular that my wife found.)

Out for now.......
