Farmer Shortage

This isn't new news..... it's just the first time (I think) that I've seen an article written about it ::

Looking into the not-so-distant future, there is going to be a serious shortage of farmers.

"There is a potential farmer shortage looming on the horizon. If you’re in the food business, naturally, you can see why this could give you indigestion.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture , the average age of the American farmer is 58.3 years old, and only 6 percent of farmers are under 35. In the next quarter century, more than one-fourth of American farmers will likely retire. More than 700,000 new farmers are going to be needed to replace them."

Read the full article from Forbes:

So, the USDA recognizes that there is a problem.  And (surprisingly), our government is actually being proactive.......

"To get ahead of expanding farmer age disparities, USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden on Thursday (October 29) told attendees at the National FFA Convention in Louisville, Ky., that the agency would be prioritizing funding for beginning farmer and rancher programs and also is unveiling a new web tool that helps those farmers find appropriate USDA resources.  Harden told FFA members, ag teachers and guests that $5.6 billion over the next two years would be channeled to services and programs for new and beginning farmers and ranchers."

Read more on Farm Futures:

It's obvious..... we need to eat..... we need farmers.  Period.

Out for now.......
