Oddball Zoo Questions

Every time that I see a "zoo guy" on TV (Hanna, Corwin, etc.), he always has an answer to every question thrown his way.

So..... I've been working on a list of questions to ask the zookeepers next time we're at Decatur's beautiful Scovill Zoo.

which way to the wooly mammoth?

do you ever have issues with vain meerkats?

am i allowed to feed the carousel animals?

when is the next Shamu show in Lake Decatur?

what animal wins the award for stinkiest poo?

at what elevation do deer change into elk?

do monkeys carry venerial diseases?

can you please tell the emu to stop making eyes at me?

how often do you change the peacock's feathers?

I figure if I can't stump them with the intelligent stuff, I'll work on stumping them with the not-so-intelligent stuff.

Out for now.......
