Picture 11/1: Tearing Down at Millikin

November 1
(picture 305 of 365)

Millikin University has some big plans for upgrading and revitalizing its campus in the next 3-5 years.

One small thing is already done -- a neat new "arrival court" and fountain (featured as my Picture of the Day awhile back: http://matthonnold.blogspot.com/2015/08/picture-814-millikin-fount.html).

Oh yeah, they totally re-did the football field too.

And down the road a little ways is an awesome new University Commons building.  And a new Center for Theater & Dance.  And a new Exercise/Sport Pavilion.  Lots of really cool stuff.

However, for the land-locked campus, with improvements must come demolition.

2 big buildings are coming down -- Mills Hall and Hessler Hall.

We dropped by the MU campus to take a look.

Not much left of Mills Hall:

Progress.  Right?

Out for now.......
