Social Security Model

I am not overly optimistic that there will be a very robust Social Security plan in place by the time I retire.

Worst-case:  the whole thing is bankrupt and retirees get squat.

Best-case (in my opinion):  I will be eligible for some moderately reduced and/or scaled-back program, compared to what's in place today.

The whole concept of Social Security is one very elaborate, very poorly-designed/planned/managed pyramid scheme.

At any rate, I found this site which can estimate/forecast/model the potential S.S. benefits that one should receive:

According to the data that I plugged in, I will have received $480k by age 82.

Sorry, I just do not see that happening.

Maybe I am wrong.

Hopefully I am wrong.

If I end-up getting back just 100% of what I paid in, I'll consider myself fortunate.

If I could pull those funds out today and get them into an IRA, I'd do that in a heartbeat.

Out for now......
