Dyeing the River

As you likely know, those crazy folks in Chicago dump a bunch of green stuff in their river right around this time of year.

Seems very odd to me, but hey...... it's tradition right?

Take a look at this informative page explaning how the Chicago River is dyed green:

And then, there's this........

"The annual dyeing of the Chicago River for St. Patrick's Day is a family reunion for the Butler and Rowan clans, the two families responsible for the tradition of turning the murky water into a bright Ghostbusters Slimer green for more than 50 years.

Each year, the crew shakes an orange powder — a top secret recipe — into the Chicago River from a sifter. The only way to become part of the six-person boat crew is to be related by blood or marriage to either Mike Butler or Tom Rowan."

Read the rest of the story:

Happy St. Pat's Day, Chicago.

Out for now........
