Ted Cruz Nuclear Option

The ever-increasing possibility that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for President is quite scary.

Honestly...... it's a major concern.

However, this article from January doesn't give me much comfort at all in Ted Cruz either.......

Ted Cruz as the GOP’s nuclear option

On the surface, it seems almost unimaginable that a sane political actor could prefer Trump over any other potential nominee. His winning the nomination would surely cripple the GOP with minority voters, widen the gender gap among women (which already favors Democrats), and make the party look ridiculous by nominating a figure so clearly unqualified to be president.

But while Trump could perhaps be written off as party “mulligan” — a one-time mistake not to be repeated — nominating Cruz would empower the most radical and uncompromising wing of the Republican Party. It would move the GOP even further to the extreme right. And if he won the presidency, it would permanently sideline more seasoned and establishment politicians.

(If Trump were to win the election — as unlikely as that may seem — he’s so lacking in core values, and so flexible in his political views, that many Republicans likely assume they’d be able to work with him as president.)

Seriously, are these the 2 best guys we can find to take on the lying, cheating, scandalous Hillary?

All of them...... poor examples of respectable leadership.

What a pickle we are in.

And then there's Bernie "Feel the Bern" Sanders, a candidate who wants to fundamentally transform the very foundation of democracy and freedom that this country was founded upon.

To him, successful entrepreneurs/businessmen like Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford (and Trump) are the enemy.


And his sheeple are falling for that rhetoric.

May God have mercy on our nation.

Out for now.........
