Farewell Chloe

Sadly, the ninth of her 9 lives ended today..... ended peacefully and humanely:

Our sweet, almost 18-year-old cat Chloe was euthanized at the vet today.

She was in renal failure and not eating.

So we made the decision -- by phone, from the Mississippi Welcome Center rest area -- to put her down.  We had talked about the possibility of this ahead of time, so it was a well-thought, well-discussed decision.

Still hard though.

Even harder that we could not be there with her as she closed her eyes for the last time.

We found Chloe as a wee kitten underneath the foundation of our apartment at Timber Cove back in May 1998 -- our first year of marriage.

She was scared, cold, malnourished, and very sickly.  However, our vet worked wonders and was able to bring her back from the brink.

Over the last 17+ years, she has brought so much joy to our family.  

We called her our "old bitty", as she really was a loving, kind, graceful spirit..... much like a distinguished Southern Belle.

If a cat can be described as "elegant", Chloe would fit that definition to a T.

Over the last couple years, we definitely noticed her slowing down (see: http://matthonnold.blogspot.com/2016/01/picture-120-old-bitty.html).  But, she never lost her love for us.

And we never regretted bringing her into our life.

Farewell Chloe.

Out for now.......


SIDENOTE:  it's been just a little over a year since another of our sweet cats passed away;  read about her (Lucky) here: