Bee Bye-bye

Bees are in real trouble folks.

Which means food production for the human race is in trouble folks.


Beekeepers across the country lost 44 percent of bee colonies from April 2015 to April 2016.

That's 3.5 percent higher than the previous year, according to the results of an annual survey done by the Bee Informed Partnership, a group of university, industry and government researchers.

It's normal to have some bee losses in the winter, said the partnership's project director Dennis VanEngelsdorp, but for the second year in a row, summer bee losses increased.

"Some of the..... stressors we're looking at are pesticides of course and we also are looking at poor nutrition. What we see is the landscape has changed dramatically over the last ten years. There's less and less bee forage out there, especially in the Midwest," said VanEngelsdorp.

Without bees, there is not pollination.

Without pollination, there are not fruits and veggies.

Ultimately leading to decreased food variety, increased food prices, food shortages, and hunger.

Very concerning.

Out for now........


p.s. previous MattChat post about the honeybee situation: