Pick an Illinois Mascot

The University of Illinois has formed a committee charged with the virtually impossible task of selecting a new school mascot.

(read: http://gazette.com/illinois-to-select-new-mascot-chief-illiniwek-backers-oppose-the-idea/article/1575293)

It's not going to be an Indian.

Political correctness killed Chief Illiniwek.

He is gone.  Forever.

The loud voices of the minority -- and their threats of lawsuits -- won the battle.


So....... they are going to have to look at something else.

Since it's not gonna be The Chief, what figure/creature would you want to see patrolling the sidelines and mingling with the crowd?

Some possible ideas.......
- a walking "I"
- mascot shaped like the state of Illinois
- an animal of some shape or variety
- some generic-looking vicious bird
- Abe Lincoln
- nothing

I'd vote for the "nothing" option.


Out for now.......


p.s. previous MattChat post about The Chief:

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