Jobs I Would Like To Try

Ever thought about this one.......

What if you were given the opp to "test drive" a new job for 1 week.

No commitments.

No negative repercussions from your current employer.

After 1 week, things return to normal.

What would you choose?

Here are 10 that top my list:
- park ranger
- conservation officer
- tugboat deck hand
- paddlewheeler pilot (OK..... co-pilot)
- Mississippi River lock operations
- Lake Decatur patrol
- rail switchyard
- railroad operations/logistics
- DJ
- gardener/horticulturist

For those that know me, I'm sure many of these are somewhat surprising, considering what my current/chosen profession is.

4 of them are jobs on the water.

2 of them are jobs with the rails.

And most of them are outside jobs.

But surprising or not, most of the 10 are on my bucket list in some form or fashion.

Out for now.......
