Justice Thomas Snub

You hear Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas pretty much got a full-face snub by the Board/curators of the new National Museum of African American History?


.....while Thomas has broken barriers his entire professional life without seeking the limelight, the 68-year-old justice is being conspicuously ignored by a powerful new showplace for black heritage. The National Museum of African American History and Culture opened last month in Washington – and missing from the four floors of exhibits is any reference to Thomas' personal and judicial legacy, shocking for perhaps the second most powerful black political figure in America, after President Obama.

(Fox News)

Here's a great opinion piece on this:

In part:
Unfortunately, by ignoring the contributions of Justice Thomas, the National Museum of African American History and Culture implies that there’s no room for a black man who dares to challenge conventional wisdom of the Left. It also ensures that visitors will learn nothing about one of our nation’s most significant jurists.

Surely a museum that “seeks to understand American history through the lens of the African American experience” should be more diverse than that.

Further proof: POLITICS SUCK.

Out for now........
