Arch Books in Terre Haute

In a recent post here on MattChat about Marshall Illinois, I made mention of family trips to Terre Haute Indiana.

Which got me thinking.......

Growing-up, the "big city" for us was Terre Haute.  We wouldn't go there super often, but when we did, it was a big deal.

One of the places that we'd drop by was the Christian bookstore.  And there was a standing offer from Dad that we (my brother and I) could choose 1 book from the rack of Arch Books:

I don't remember how many of these we ended up with -- maybe 5 or 6?

But it was always a neat little souvenir from our trip to the "big city".

Out for now.......


p.s. other memories of Terre Haute trips:
- visiting the Brocks (friends of the fam)
- going to Honey Creek Mall, especially during the Christmas season
- Indiana State football games
- eating at Duffs Buffet and Shoneys Restaurant
- seeing matinee movies
- the smell of creosote 
- buying my first camcorder (I think the store might have been called "Service Merchandise"?)
- dropping by the Hostess outlet store for Twinkies and Ding Dongs
- spotting the huge mining cranes between Paris and Terre Haute
- lots of curves on the Lower Terre Haute Road